Are you a family that is always on the go and can’t explore another exciting place? Or maybe you are dreading your next trip because of all the hassles that come with family travel? It can be fun, and it is all about how you spin your exciting trip. Going on a trip can be an adventure. Oh, all the wonderful things you are going to see!
To ensure a great trip with your kids requires a bit of planning, some organization and lots of creativity. Download our PDF below and get yourself into the fast lane
- Be Prepared. Start your trip off by making sure you have everything you need in case of an emergency. Make sure you have a roadside safety kit, first aid kit, water, snacks and extra charging devices.
- Get Organized. Make sure that you have everything in an easily accessible place and easy to find. Keep activities and snacks at an easy reach for your children, but in a place, they can easily pack them away.
- Make a Game. An excellent way to keep kids from getting bored is by putting a scavenger hunt together. List items that they may see your traveling adventure.
- Turn a caddie into a car organizer. Having this is an excellent tool to have in the car, especially if you are stopping for fast food and want to eat in the car. It works great as a food tray as it keeps everything in one contained area without worrying about their food falling all over their seats.
- Travel Bag Surprises. To make the wait a bit more exciting use travel bag surprises where they can open when you reach a city you pass through, or you can do one every hour. Each bag can contain a small yummy snack, small toys to play with or activity they can do. It keeps kids happy and excited about the travel time.
- Packing for little kids. Pack each outfit for a day in a Ziploc bag. Label the bag with what day they will wear it and the name of each kid it is for. If your children are old enough where they can dress themselves all they need to do is grab their bags and put their clothes on.
- Be prepared for kids who are just recently potty trained. Bring a portable potty with you so that you can avoid using the gross gas station bathrooms. You can even save some clean up time by putting a diaper in the portable potty.
- Don’t bring your fancy stroller. A cheap umbrella stroller is small and easy to pack. You won’t feel so bad if it gets banged up or lost.