We all have different parenting styles, there is no doubt about that. Some people deploy different tactics when it comes to discipline, rewards, family time, and just about everything else. While there is nothing wrong with having your own way, I do believe that it is important to maintain positivity. That is why a positive parenting program has many benefits to both the child and the parent.
Benefits of Positive Parenting Program
If you feel as though you need help with your parenting techniques (and I think we all need a little help from time to time) you might consider a positive parenting program. If you are thinking about taking on a positive parenting program or you are on the fence on whether it is a good fit for you, check out this list of benefits that these programs offer to parents and to communities in general and see if it is the right fit for you:
Less Abuse. Studies have shown that implementing a positive parenting program greatly reduces the instance of abuse in children. This is for several reasons. One of these reasons is that it emphasizes the importance of seeking outside help with parenting when things get difficult. If parents are able to ask for help easier and without stigmatization, they are less likely to become frustrated and make bad parenting decisions. Additionally, positive parenting programs increase the likelihood that the parent will see the greater extent of the options available to them.
More Self-Sufficient Parenting. When parents who have struggled in the past see the help that is available to them, they will often take it. When they take said help, it helps them to recognize what they can be doing differently and how they can make changes with themselves to improve their parenting. This is a win-win for everyone as the parent then becomes more self-sufficient and the child benefits from that.
Better Behavioral Health. With positive parenting programs, parents learn the tools and skills to better handle behavioral issues in children. Instead of ignoring the behavioral issues, they have tips on what to do and they know where to reach out in the instance that those tips aren’t working.
Strengthened Mental Health. With positive parenting programs, you will find strengthened mental health for both the child and the parent. This is because of the support that is available to both. The goal of this program is to help these families become more self-sufficient, happier and healthier.
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