Expecting mom? New mom? Know one? Check out tips, tricks, and other great articles on Advice for a New Mom page
A new season is a big deal on its own. The fall usually brings many changes – the kids are back in school and that means new teachers, new challenges, and new excitements. But here is something else that would make our active life even more active – WE ARE HAVING A BABY (not a baby-piton, not a furry baby – a real screaming pooping human baby!)
For those of you with the questions, let me just say this:
- No, it wasn’t planned, but we can’t wait to meet our surprise
- No, we are not buying a bigger house or a bigger car
- Yes, I wanted to know the gender ahead of time, because I am a planner
- It doesn’t really matter who I wished for – I just want a healthy happy baby
Last night I couldn’t wait to get home from the doctor’s office to share the big news – baby looks healthy, very wiggly and…
This announcement triggered a whole bunch of ideas from the older siblings and I couldn’t think of a better way to share it than right here with you on my blog.
From bigger brother and sister to the Lil Brother
We also thought, it would be a great idea to lay down some ground rules right now, and here are some really great ones!
I have to tell you, the little wiggle has a great team waiting for him and we can’t wait to meet him on January 31, 2015 (or sometime around that date).
Expecting mom? New mom? Know one? Check out tips, tricks, and other great articles on Advice for a New Mom page
Marina says
Squeallllllllll!!! So excited for you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Mama Harris says
Oh my goodness, so happy for you! I remember your baby fever last May in Arkansas, congratulations!! <3
Paula @ Frosted Fingers says
Hooray!! Congrats! You sure kept that a secret for a while!
Summer Davis says
OH MY STARS! Congratulations to the max!
Dina says
That is absolutely amazing. What a cute way to announce it! Congratulations!!
Megan @mnmspecial says
Congratulations! We are so excited for you guys! This will be wonderful for you.
Wendy says
Lena Burkut says
Thank You! 🙂
Dede says
So happy for you — and what a fun way to make your announcement!! You should print these and put them in his room 🙂
Lena Burkut says
Such a cool idea – I might just do that!
Patty says
Oh congratulations! I’m very happy for you and the family. What wonderful excitement for all of you. Lots of hugs from here on the farm.
Lena Burkut says
Thank you! It is pretty huge
jenn m says
Congrats! How exciting! Love this post with such great photos of big sis and big bro. What an adventure you have ahead of you.
Lena Burkut says
Thank You! We are so looking forward to this new development
Mari says
Congrats beautiful picture share!!!
katherine says
Stacie @ The Divine Miss Mommy says
What a fabulous post! Congrats to your and your family!!
Crystal says
Congratulations! I love that you addressed all the questions you know you’re going to hear in advance. I should have done that with “Are you going to try again?” I hated it because it made it sound like we made a mistake & should attempt a redo.
valmg @ Mom Knows It All says
Congratulations! I love how excited you all are and how you’ve involved the children in welcome and preparations for the baby boy’s arrival in January!
Mallery Schuplin says
Congrats! We also waited forever to announce my 2/5/15 due date. Hooray for babies!
Chrysa says
Congratulations! That’s so exciting. It’s fun to see your kids so excited too!
Jenna Wood says
Can’t wait to see your little wiggle, I’m sure it will be a fun ride!
Rebekah says
Yay! Huge congrats to your family!