When I say “Guest Bathroom,” what comes to your mind? A bathroom for guests? A better bathroom than the one you would usually use? The room in the house that outsiders judge you by?
Sometimes, my guest bathroom is the best looking room in my house. While the living room and other high-traffic areas are filled with all kinds of evidence of us being the messiest family on the block, this place makes me proud by staying clean.
However, today I walked into my favorite bathroom to find it looking like this. Garbage bin is overflowing with something that looks like an unused paper towel (and a lot of it), toothpaste everywhere, soap and toothbrushes are inside of the bowl (possibly trying to escape from the toothpaste), dirty floor. Everything screams “CHILDREN WERE HERE!”
I am trying to convince myself to ignore the mess, trapping the mess behind the closed doors, when the “good mom in me” suddenly takes over. She suggests that I have to be a good example to my children by showing them what a clean bathroom looks like. (Plus, I have to get this place tidied up fast before any guests come over!)
As much as I believe in letting the kids clean up after themselves, there are times when I have to jump in and do the dirty work. I don’t want them handling the household chemicals or climbing on top of the vanity to reach the mirrors. I teach them to do the things that they can touch like putting toothbrushes back into place and emptying the trash can. The rest of this mess of a job is for grown ups and I brought in the heavy guns for longer lasting results. I am ready!
Did you know that just because it’s a dollar store, it doesn’t necessary means a $1 sticker on every item? Most items I buy here range between $1 and $5.
Since I am already saving a few dollars, this might be a good time to pick a few more things for the guest bathroom.
Here we go – I once again have my favorite guest bathroom all clean and organized too!
Which room of the house is your favorite one?
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
My little one never wipes out the sink after he brushes his teeth. It’s so gross.
Jennifer says
I don’t have any kids, but… I still need this. =/
Saidah says
hey Lena, my bedroom is my favorite spot in my house and then my family room and then my guest bathroom. We’ve been slowly working our way through the house making improvement because I want my entire home to be a space that I absolutely love.
Mandi says
I think I’m the only one who cleans out the bathroom sink. Now it’s just a habit first thing in the morning to give it a wipe, and then again at bedtime just to keep it cleaned.
Sunny M says
I have three boys (enough said right there). We all share just one bathroom, so products like Scrubbing Bubbles are a big MUST. Hopefully our next home has a nice guest bathroom too, though!
Shauna says
You know, this Summer I have been really great at implementing daily chores, you know, pick clothes up, help wipe down surfaces, etc… I just hope I can follow through during the school year 🙂 Thankfully, the kids think that using sprays are cool, so they have been pretty great about the whole thing. They like how it foams. LOL…
Felicita Moncada says
My kids are so messy in their bathroom. I have to constantly remind my son to clean up after himself. Toothpaste mess everywhere. At least he flushes the toilet! Love Scrubbing Bubbles!
Ann Bacciaglia says
Sometimes you just have to tackle the mess. My favorite room is my Bedroom. Since i am the only one in there it tends to stay clean.
Laura H says
I love Scrubbing Bubbles and it keeps my home fresh and clean. The bathroom is the worst job and that is not even bad anymore 🙂 Thanks for the coupons they are so nice 🙂
Vera Sweeney says
So true the guest bathroom is always so much cleaner!!! I love the toys in your sink, I can’t say how many times I have encountered that!
Seattle Travel Blogger says
We always use scrubbing bubbles. It’s the best brand for any kind of cleaning!
Liz Mays says
With kids around, it’s definitely harder to keep things clean. It’s crazy how fast things can get out-of-hand!
Autumn @Mamachallenge says
My oldest is just now big enough to start doing daily chores. Scrubbing bubbles has always been one of my favorite products!
Sabrina says
Our kids are too young for chores still, but I can’t wait to at least make them help clean up their toys!
dawn says
event though I don’t have any kiddies I still need this for myself. lol
Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says
Hehe, a gentle reminder is what my girls need most of the time. This is good to keep in mind, so thanks!
Amy says
My nieces will come for a night every month or so and I’m constantly amazed by how much damage they can do in such a short period of time in the bathroom!
ellen beck says
Ha! One bathroom here, so everyone does their part. If they dont it is a pig sty. I am a firm believer in ‘you mess it u, you clean it up’ and if it is done right after making a mess ie: toothpaste and such it usually doesnt need chemical. Granted, when the deep cleaning happens, I do that though!