With colder weather lingering around the corner as we start this fall season, you may have some anxiety as a parent on how you can keep your kids healthy. Kids have a way of always getting sick at the most inopportune times that it can almost be described as a talent. But having a sick little one is no fun. Not only does it pain a parent to see their child miserable, it can also be costly as you may need to take time off from work or hire someone that can stay and care for them. Here are some ways to make sure that your child is ready to kick the flu and cold season in its butt:
- Make washing their hands a routine. Washing hands is so important, especially with young kids who love to touch everything and put it in their mouth or touch their face. They should wash their hands before they get to school and right when they get home. Make sure they are washing their hands before every meal they eat as well as after they use the bathroom. Washing hands is important in making sure you are not spreading any illnesses around.
- Get adequate sleep. Sleep is so important in making sure they have a strong immune system. Strive to get your children in bed on time and make sure that it is a consistent routine for them. Overworked and tired bodies become more susceptible to illness. It is also important to consider how much after school activities you are signing your child up for. Adding too much can be overwhelming therefore not ensuring that they are getting all their proper rest and downtime to fight illness and recoup from the day.
- Take probiotics and vitamins. Probiotics is a great way to naturally boost a child’s immunity. It helps the body absorb vitamins such as vitamin D3, minerals and other nutrients. Making sure they are taking a good dose of vitamin D is important as well. This vitamin D is great at warding of colds and the flu.
- Keep the Humidifier running. With the colder weather creeping in this usually means indoor air will be a lot dryer. This air can dry out nasal passages and this can make illnesses last longer. Using a humidifier every night during the winter will keep the air moist and help make your children less susceptible to viruses.
- Anyone who is six months or older can get the flu shot so that they avoid getting sick this season. A flu shot is especially important if you have a young baby in the house. Young babies don’t have the strong immune system as adults or older kids do so when they get sick, it can be harder for them to recover. So it is important that everyone in the household remains healthy as to not pass any sickness to the baby. Talk with your pediatrician about getting your child vaccinated as well as yourself.