The start of a new year and the summer seem to be the times when everyone decides they want to get healthy. The great thing is that the summer is actually the perfect time of year to make healthy changes to your lifestyle. There are so many things you can do to get started and the sun shining makes it all seem so much easier.

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Summer salads are a perfect kickstart to healthy eating
During the summer most people’s tastes change. We don’t want to eat roast dinners, casseroles and all the comfort foods that we enjoy during the colder months. A fresh, crisp salad is more likely to hit the spot and this is a fabulous healthy routine to get into.
Plan your meals so you aren’t tempted to stray
Deciding what to eat is the downfall of many people. If you get home after a long day with no idea what to have for dinner you are more likely to snack while you decide, and then go for the easy option of a ready meal or take away. If you plan your meals, even when you are tired after a long day you are more likely to stick to your healthy eating plan.
Swapping your meat
The substitute meat market has grown in recent years with more meat eaters realizing the health benefits of reducing their meat intake. Swapping just one meat meal a week can have an impact on weight and health. It’s not all about substituting meat though; there are so many tasty recipes available that just don’t require meat to make them great.
Keeping it up at work
Sticking to a healthy lifestyle while stuck in work can be one of the biggest challenges. Being sat at a desk with biscuits or cakes within arm’s reach is very distracting. Making sure you have healthy snacks with you at all times will mean you don’t need to give in to the sweet treats that are on offer.
Protein shakes for an extra boost
One way of giving your health a boost is to take protein shakes daily, such as those from Tesco or other retailers. These have been shown to help with weight loss and boost the immune system. They are also incredibly convenient, especially if you usually have your lunch on the go.
What are you waiting for?
If you want get healthy then the summer is the time for you to start. The longer days in the sun make everything seem more achievable. Take advantage of this by planning your meals and packing your work bag with healthy snacks. Add protein shakes and a bit of daily exercise and there really will be no stopping you.