I am in the bathroom of my house looking in the mirror, trying to waste 2 minutes of my life. A plastic stick is on the edge of the bathtub is all I can think about. I want to just stare it at it until it gives up the info I am looking for. Do I absolutely have to wait? Impatiently combing my hair…
I am 38 years old and some of my classmates already have grandkids. Am I really up to a task of raising another human being? Yes, I know the times have changed, but when it comes to me, do I really have what it takes? I just finished giving away the last bits of the baby stuff from the kids – the last things I was holding on to for unknown reason (a very expensive car seat, my favorite stroller…) Maybe I should of waited at least until I see the result of this pregnancy test.
Another look in the mirror: Common! This is the longest two minutes ever! I can hear kids outside playing, running, laughing… They are so loud… If I do have a baby, what should I do about my loud kids?
My daughter has been bugging me to have another sibling – I bet she wants a little sister… Oh, I remember when I found out I was pregnant with her. After 2 years of trying. 2 miscarriages, fertility treatments, ovulation schedules, hopes and prayers here it was. I remember being so scared and happy at the same time: “I hope it works this time.” Look at her now, almost 7, a big sister, her brother’s keeper and bully at the same time. We wanted to have kids close in age – both my husband and I have a huge age difference with our younger siblings and we agreed: if we don’t get pregnant in 6 months, we are going to the clinic – two years sounds like a good difference, right? My boy is 5, only 21 months younger than his sister – together they are an unstable force of hugs and punches.
30 seconds left. Move it! I need to know now. I want to know. This might change everything… once again…
Just a few weeks ago we had THAT conversation with my husband – we are not having any more kids. We are in a good place. With the children being older, they wake up in the morning, get their own breakfast and let us a sleep in. Why would we want to change that? They are finally old enough to be somewhat reasonable and be reasoned with. We are happy… We have a house big enough for us… We are good.
Time! The pregnancy test is a mile away. Walking… I have to tell you, I hate uncertainty, when it comes to the pregnancy tests. I tried so many tests of the years that just made me mad: Is that a weak second line? I think I can sort of see it, maybe I should wait a bit more? I cannot be sort of pregnant, right? This time I took the Clearblue test that will be perfectly clear with me – in the words I can understand…
The moment of truth. Tam tam tam…
I am scared… Happy… More happy than scared… As I am walking downstairs holding my pregnancy test to deliver the news to my husband and a father of soon to be three, picking up an empty small gift bag sitting next to the stairs for months and putting the test in there.
“Hey Hon, I have something for you”, he is fixing something standing on the step stool. “Can it wait?” “Nope. I have an early father’s day gift for you” I hand him the bag. He looks puzzled – we don’t usually exchange gifts in gift bags… Pause… Silence… Maybe I should of taken another test?… That’s a happy face… He is happy… The things are changing… We are having a baby…
Are you a new mom or will be one soon? Maybe you know one?
Look for more tips, tricks, and other great articles on Advice for a New Mom page
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
We just got a new addition in this family and I cannot stop laughing at her laughing. Life is good.
My sister is 36 and I keep telling her she better get to it. LOL.
This pregnancy test makes it easy to understand the results. No more guessing games with this one. Congratulations on baby #3
This post made me smile so much! You may be a little older, but you also know all the ropes AND all the tricks. You’re going to be awesome!
I can’t believe these tests still take two minutes! The worry, the anxiety.. .why not an instant read?! Children are a wonderful thing!
I remember when I busted out the pregnancy test and it was positive. I was so excited. It’s seriously the best feeling in the world.
i have three and my oldest is 4.5 and youngest 6 months. Two minutes, it can change a lifetime!
I always loved seeing if my pregnancies tests were positive. Sometimes it is scary and exciting al, at the same time.
I remember the anticipation of finding out the answer on that stick for my daughter. My husband and I had tried without any help with no success then I decided to track my basal temperature and BAM pregnant!
This is an awesome pregnancy test. I love how it says the weeks, although I do think that they should have rethought using 1-2.
If i had to take a pregnancy test again i would definitely use Clear Blue. I would want to have a clear result that i can understand.
Congratulations! I would have been a nervous wreck waiting for the results. I love that you put the test in a gift bag for your husband.
I hated waiting for results each time, as well… I was always doing the ovulation tests to get pregnant and the tests to see if I was. LOL… Congrats, for you 🙂 a baby is a blessing
Have a new baby can be scary but wonderful at the same time! I love that this test only takes two minutes!
Yea, the clear word is something really nice. The guessing game always drove me nuts too. Congrats! Having them close is great, especially as they get older. My first two are 11 years apart, my wife’s are less than two years. Seeing them made us decide that ours were going to be close also, but we may have ended up with more than we bargained for with 3 boys within 23 months of each other :p