Remember this Girl? A week ago she realized that she the Summer camp she wants to go is too expensive for her family to afford. She is trying to make it happen anyway, but that will require some creativity from her.
She is nine years old, and she intends to go to the Gifted Camp!
We started with a big $500 number
If you ask me, the number looked huge to me. The number looked FIVE FEET TALL to me! But we had to start somewhere, and Elise felt that she can figure out the way to make it work.
Just because you don’t see a discount on the website or flyer, that doesn’t mean there isn’t one, and there only way to know is to call.
Guess what – they do! Just because there is no discount listed on the flyer or you can’t find one online, it doesn’t mean the discounts don’t exist, but you won’t know that unless you pick up the phone and call
The early bird discount is 10% if the registration takes place by a certain date and we have weeks to go.
Always ask – I’d tell you – always ask! Discount is like FREE money, and we can use a freebie.
Always ask – I’d tell you – always ask!
That’s a Start!
We are crowdsourcing the idea!
I decided to share our massive project with friends and relatives – you never know when someone would come up with a brilliant idea. Usually, I would encourage Elise to talk to her friends, but I doubt that she surrounded by business-minded 9-year-olds.
How would telling others help us? Elise’s aunt needed help cleaning, and my daughter made $20. Can you believe it? She listens to the instructions, got her job well, and got paid!
Week End
Is this the time to do the math? We started with $500 minutes 10% ($50) and $20 my daughter earned cleaning.
$70 down – have $430 to go.