Do you have a teenager at home that is wanting to start earning money? This is one of the greatest times in history for your kids to earn money because there are countless online jobs for teens out there! Online jobs are great for teens and adults alike!
I’m all for online jobs for teens because I love seeing kids with an entrepreneurial spirit! It’s a great way to begin their adult life with experience and drive. Whether your teen wants to earn money so that they have more spending money or trying to add to their savings before they are out on their own, online jobs are a great option for them!
There are many different options available for online jobs for teens. This list will help give you and your kiddos ideas for where to start! If you find yourself looking for online jobs for teens for your almost-grown kiddo, check out this list and see if any might interest your teenager.
Social Media Management
Social Media Management is a great fit for many, many teens out there. I would be willing to bet that many of the teens you know are great at social media already, and many small business owners need help in this area. In today’s technology-fueled world, social media is crucial for businesses, and many business owners are happy to hand this job over.
Virtual Assistant
A virtual assistant is a personal or administrative assistant that does work for their clients from their own home. Virtual assistants can find themselves doing email management, scheduling, transcription, making phone calls, data entry, or even running errands. Just about anything that a typical personal or administrative assistant does in the office, she or he can also do virtually.
Oftentimes virtual assistants don’t work full-time for one particular client so it is great for teens looking to work part-time.
Does your teen like to write? There are many, many opportunities out there for writers to earn money online. Of course, freelance writers can make big money, but many of these writers have quite a bit of experience. For those just starting, there are websites out there (content mill sites) that hire content writers for lower pay. You can still earn a decent amount of money as long as you are dedicated to it.
Here are a couple of my favorite content mill sites:
- Textbroker – their skill level pays Textbroker authors. Your writing skills will determine your payment. Textbroker author skills are broken down into 4 different levels, with the highest level paying $0.05 per word.
- Upwork – Upwork can be great for finding copywriting gigs online.
- Scripted – Scripted is a content mill site that pays up to $0.10 per word for articles. You have to be an approved writer, and their standards are a little bit higher, but if you are a skilled writer, this is a great site to work for.
It is important to remember that you should never pay money to get hired. Scammers look all over the internet to find people to scam, so, as with all online jobs be on the lookout for scams.
Graphic Design
Teens these days know technology exceptionally well. If your teen is good at technology and they are creative, this is a great gig! Freelance graphic designers often help business owners design logos or help website owners create printable forms for customers to access on their sites.
Additionally, Etsy is a great place for creative, tech-savvy teens to sell digital products and designs. Many people sell printable forms (think journals, budget forms, etc) and even art that can be printed.
Babysitting, Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, etc
Okay, this one isn’t fully online, but if your teen likes to babysit or if they are animal lovers, this is a great way for them to find jobs in this area. is where many parents and animal owners go to find help. It’s an online, high-tech way to boost up the classic teen job.
If your teen wants to earn money solely for the purpose of having extra spending money, then you should have them check out Swagbucks. Swagbucks is a search engine and reward site that pays you in ”swag bucks” (digital rewards) for using it.
You can search the web, take surveys, play games, print coupons, and watch videos all to earn Swagbucks, which can then be converted to gift cards to hundreds of retailers, including Amazon, Walmart, iTunes, Starbucks, and more! You won’t get cold-cash hard cash with this one, but you can definitely earn some spending money at your favorite places to shop.
Have you or your teen done any of these online jobs? Or, has your teen found any other online jobs for teens that I forgot to mention here?
What Are Some Benefits of Online Jobs for Teens
A job is great for teens to earn their own money, however, they are also a huge responsibility. A typical part-time job also has some downfalls. This is no doubt that there are more benefits for teens having online jobs than your typical first-time job. If you are wondering about those benefits, here are just a couple of those:
No Commute
If your teen doesn’t have their own vehicle, that means that you will be likely be taking them to and from their job. That adds extra responsibility to you as well as them.
If they do have their own car, the commute to and from work adds to their fuel expenses and maintenance fees. Working from home can mean more money in their pocket.
They Can Make Their Own Schedule
When you work for yourself, you can essentially make your own schedule. This is one of the greatest things about self-employment. If your teen is busy with school and extracurriculars, but still wants to have a job, online jobs are a great option!
Learning About Business
Learning about business from a young age is a huge benefit to anyone, but especially for anyone with entrepreneurial goals.
It is important to remember that you should never pay money to get hired. Scammers look all over the internet to find people to scam, so, as with all online jobs be on the lookout for scams.
More Parenting Tips:
The Best Part-Time Jobs for Teens
Ways for Teenagers to Earn Money
Piggy Banks for Kids that Encourage them to Save
[…] internet is a great place to find work for anyone, teens included! Check out this list of some great jobs that are perfect for […]