Thank you, Spot Shot® Instant Carpet Stain Remover for sponsoring this article and pet friendly carpet cleaning support. The puppy mess is all mine!
It’s a well-known fact – dogs hate when their owners go on vacation, and my Peppa is not an exception to the rule. Regardless of the royal treatment, she doesn’t act like herself and can’t wait for us to come back. However, when she gets home the things get unpredictable and often messy.
Oopsie Poopsie
The morning after we came back from a weekend trip I was rudely woken up by my 3-year old. He wanted to go downstairs to watch TV. I imagined I could catch some zzzs on the couch once I give him a bowl of cereal and turn the TV on, so I picked my son to try to get to my couch faster. As I stepped into the living room, I idled: THE SMELL!
The unmistakable stench of the horse stable and freshly manured soil. Where is it coming from? I suspiciously looked at my three-year-old, “Did you fart?”
“Nooooo!” he shook his head and pointed his finger into the depth of the living room. There curled up on the couch was laying a year-old Bullboxer looking at me with her eyes full of unconditional love and loyalty, “You love me more than anything, right? No matter what, right?” her eyes said.
Right next to the couch on the carpet, I saw a product of her love carefully crafted and delicately delivered by her bowel – doggy-doo…
I looked to the left and spotted another pile of messy dog business, one more on the middle of the room and the last one right by the stairs, where my foot should have landed if I took one more step.
Oh, no!
Can I Go Back on Vacation?
I was still holding my 30-lb child and my arms were about to give in.
“TV? Cereal?” he shook me out of my stupor.
“Hey, how about we go on vacation right now?” I pointed toward the door that was way closer than a couch at the end of the poop obstacle course.
“No! I want cereal and milk!” he was determined to enjoy his sugar O’s with a side of TV entertainment.
I was done and couldn’t think of anything short of going back to bed, so I did the only thing that made sense to me, “Honey!!!!! I need your help!”
After waking my husband up, I chose to disappear into the kitchen to make some coffee and casually browse a few real estate listings. That might come handy if my husband is unsuccessful at removing the minefield Prairie Dogs left behind in my living room.
I don’t always make my husband do the dirty work but when I do, at least I supply him with all the right tools and because of my amazing partnership with the SpotShot I have a great supply of SPOT SHOT® PET INSTANT CARPET STAIN & ODOR ELIMINATOR that I know will get the job done.
Why Spot Shot for Pet Friendly Carpet Cleaning?
Spot Shot Pet is non-toxic and specially formulated for households with pets to permanently eliminate tough stains and odors to prevent them from coming back. Dual-odor eliminators absorb and neutralize odors, and it’s also certified biodegradable and doesn’t contain phosphates or volatile organic compounds.
How Does Spot Shot Pet work?
We usually start by blotting the stain with a clean cloth, but when it comes to the oopsie poopsies, cardboard box flaps work the best – scoop and toss! When that is done, bloat the leftovers with disposable towels and spray the Spot Shot onto the stain. Let it stay for a few minutes and blot the stain with another clean cloth.
Considering the mess, repeat a few times until the stain is gone.
More Pet friendly Carpet Cleaning Tips:
The lovely mess our furbabies leave behind won’t make us love them any less but it doesn’t mean that we should like cleaning up after them. That said, it’s not too hard with the right tools and here are some of my favorite Spot Shot Pet friendly carpet cleaning tips:
- Set a schedule for your pet. If you are training your pet, sticking to a bathroom schedule is a great way to prevent messes in the first place. Of course, this isn’t always true, but the more you take your pet out, the less likely they are to use your rug to do it.
- Clean it ASAP. I know that this isn’t always realistic, but the truth is, the sooner you clean it, the better the chances are that it will clean easier. Not to worry though, even if you miss it, but I always suggest, the sooner the better.
- Blot, don’t rub. I cannot stress this enough, but when you go to clean a spot that your pet has created, you need to blot it up and do not, I repeat do not rub it to get the stain out. That just sets the stain in further, but here are a couple of steps to walk you through it:
- Vacuum: first vacuum up the spot to get any loose dirt.
- Blot with a towel: Blot up the spot with a paper towel until it’s as dry as possible.
- Spray Spot Shot Pet: apply Spot Shot Pet to the affected area, cover it completely. Use a sponge or a super absorbent microfiber cloth to blot up the cleaner, repeating this step several times.
- Let dry: after blotting up the cleaner and mess, be sure to give the spot plenty of time to dry. If the stain reappears, repeat the steps above.
Who Wins This Battle?
“I am pretty sure I deserved some coffee too,” my husband walked into the kitchen
“Are you all done?” it hasn’t even been thirty minutes since I abandoned him in the living room to fight the poop battle.
“Yes, ma’am,” – he smiled, picked my coffee cup from the table, and took a sip, “However, it’s your turn to walk the dog and I could use a few minutes of peace and quiet… The leash is by the door or you get to clean the carpet next time around.”
I often check The Stain Fighting Community on Facebook for pet-friendly carpet cleaning ideas and new tricks to keep my house clean. If you have your own ideas for the pet-friendly carpet cleaning, share away!
And if you would like to save a little, print off a $1 OFF Spot Shot coupon for your next store trip. Visit the “shop” tab on the website to learn where to pick up a can, like your local Walmart.
T.M. Brown says
I love the way you told this story! LOL!! We have two dogs ourselves and are glad we have the schedule and a way to clean up the “accidents” that may happen. Thanks for sharing what works for you!!
Liz Mays says
I’d love to be able to easily get rid of some of the carpet stains my pets make. They’re pretty much inevitable.
kristin says
This is really great if you have pets. I’ll save this for later
Amy says
Wow, I so could have used this! I had to throw my rugs away because my dog kept on trying to pee on them.
Aubrey says
Doggie doo on the carpet is the worst!
Jeni Hawkins says
HAHA! What a cute story! I love Spot Shot for my carpets, and never even considered it for this reason! Thanks!
Cyn Gagen says
I will have to remember this for when we get another dog. It seemed like our last one had such stomach issues and had a lot of accidents so this would be really helpful if that happens again.
Dawn Lopez says
I can definitely see how getting on a schedule could be a big help for training. I can’t wait to try out Spot Shot for those accidents.
krystal says
What a sweet pup! I have two of them so this is helpful for those accidents!
Rachel says
Between our dog and our potty training toddler our carpets are a disaster.I tell myself at least they are going to make it 15 years before we have to replace them.
Cyn Gagen says
This is really good to know for our next dog. Our previous one had a lot of stomach issues so we were always cleaning up messes.
Heather says
We adopted a new puppy, and are having all of the new puppy problems. It’s great to know what will get out the puppy messes easily and eliminate the smell that comes along with them.
Sherry says
Oh my gosh! I woke up to that in my kitchen one time. The smell is horrendous. I couldn’t imagine getting it out of a carpet.
sarah says
Oh I know the feeling of pet accidents. It took our baby a bit to get going potty outside down. Love your tips!
Janeane Davis says
This seems like something that will make it easier to care for snd enjoy your pets. It will keep the house cleaner.
Muna Kenny says
We do not have a pet, but my sister struggle cleaning after her pet when she makes an accident, she should read this post.
Bianca Dottin says
We don’t have a pet for this exact reason. My family wants to buy a dog when we move so these tips will come in handy.