The holiday season is magical! It is not all about presents and treat – it is all about spending time together as a family. Some of the recent events that my family recently went through made me appreciate my loved ones even more. I have tell you – never take hugs and kisses for granted!
In the Kitchen
Over the weekend I asked my daughter what she would like to make for the family and she immediately requested a fruit salad. Of course, we have done a lot of fruit salads of the last few months, but this salad was just a little bit special – we wanted to use seasonal fruits. And stay tuned for a coupon and your chance to win something cool!
Check out what we came up with:
Did your kids open all the gifts they got for their birthdays? Go on the treasure for unused and gently used toys! I bet you will find some places that will be happy to accept your donations.
You Time
Can you give back time back to your community as a family? Take part in a community project or help someone in your neighborhood. It is an excellent way to spend time together and teach your kids about giving back.
This is a good idea for family time during the holiday season.
I haven’t had post grapenuts in ages! This sounds like a tasty snack that’s also healthy!
Thank you for writing this.
I can’t afford gifts for my kids this Christmas and for a second there I was crushed. It’s not the first time, but then I remembered that being together and celebrating family, faith and life is what’s important more than any gift.
Merry Christmas to you!
My sister and I always helped my mother make all the cookies for giving to friends. Such fun times.