I absolutely love summer and always try to do something exciting. Have you noticed how much quitter it has gotten in social media groups? What has everyone one been up to? Do you have a summer bucket list you are working on?
Mary: Our summer bucket list includes a lot more trips to the beach, the Cuyahoga County fair, the soon to be 2nd grader’s birthday and maybe a trip to Cedar Point. It is hard to believe this is July! Oh and the soon to be second grader wants to have a lemon-aid stand.
Emily: This summer, we’re planning to spend as much time at the beach as we can! A few things on my list are going to the county fair, seeing a baseball game, taking a trip to Martha’s Vineyard (with The Boy) and one to Nantucket (without The Boy). I also want to use our backyard fire pit more than we did last year. S’mores, anyone?
Valerie: My kids have been talking non stop about a lemon-aid stand too! On our list is Sea World, Six Flags, Splashtown, Gatti Town and hopefully a trip to the beach.
Ghada: We’re aiming to do lots of day trips that might even involve renting a car. It’s our first summer in the area, so everything will be new to us. I really want to make the most of friends and getting together and creating memories – I know it sounds hokey, but I really think its important for the littlies.
Emily: Bump! Where is everyone? Out checking things off of their summer bucket lists?
Lena: Kayaking. I really wanted to do something crazy and this summer called for kayaking. I actually had a date with my husband on the middle of a small lake in peace and quite on kayaks. We just sat there for a while – it was nice
Mary: Oh, Lena, have you tried paddle boats! I want to do that and I was just at a lake this weekend that rents them!
Emily: Lena what a fun date! Paddle boats are so much work Mary! I’d love to try the latest craze – Stand Up and Paddle boarding, too.
Lena: Emily, stand up and paddle freaks me out. Anyway, Mary, the campground were we stayed had one paddleboat and it was always checked out, so we did some kayaking and canoeing 🙂
But how about you, all my readers? Join the conversation!
Thank You for your input, Emily of Nap Time is My Time, Lena of Way2Goodlife, Ghada of Mama goes BAM, Mary of iNeed a Playdate, and Valerie of Valerie’s Reviews