Ghada: I’d like to do an Easter Egg hunt, we might just attend one at the local park. I also want to look at ways to explain Easter beyond chocolate eggs! My 4.5 year old is very aware of all the eggs everywhere – i’d like to be able to tell him something about the “real” reason behind Easter. Of course, it would have to be age appropriate…
Mariah: I definitely want to teach W about the meaning behind the holiday. I don’t know if I will start that this year but it is in my plans! This year I’m excited to see him run around the yard and pick up eggs!
Ashley: Growing up, my parents held an Easter Egg Hunt for us. I would love to continue that tradition with my family. My son will just turn 1 a few days before Easter, so I’m not sure a Hunt is in the cards this year. I personalized a basket for him, and every year he’ll receive it full of treats. We will continue to attend Easter service so he does grow up knowing the reason of why we celebrate Easter.
Leila : Our tradition now is different than when I grew up. Growing up we found our baskets and did Easter dinner with the family. With my kids, we decorate eggs a few days before with the family. The morning of Easter my kids find baskets at our house and then we go to grandpa and grandma’s where they have baskets. We usually do some kind of craft (Easter bunny cupcakes last year) and then we usually hide plastic eggs for them to hunt. The eggs usually contain stickers or coins or some have rocks, LOL. Then we do Easter dinner. With the eggs, we usually lay out a ton of newspaper, use the cups with the dies and let the kids go to town dipping in different colors. Both of mine having been doing it since they were like a year old. 🙂
Mariah: I definitely want to make Homemade Peeps this year and W loves marshmallows so I’m considering doing that instead of coloring eggs and saving that until he’s a little bit older.
Ashley: ‎Leila, we had to find our baskets too! The “Bunny” always hid them somewhere in the house for us to find. Afterward we would empty our baskets and use them for the Egg Hunt. The rules for the Egg Hunt varied as we grew older.
Leila: Glad I’m not the only one! Hubby’s family doesn’t do that! (Then again, they didn’t wrap presents from Santa either and MY Santa always wrapped my presents! LOL)
Leila: ‎Mariah, we do a baking craft every holiday with the kids and they have so much fun! One year we did Easter bunny cupcakes, last year we made an Easter bunny cake (a round cake cut in half and then put the two halves together for the body- cupcake for head and tail). It was a sad looking bunny (spaghetti noodles for whiskers and celery for ears) but the kids had so much fun!
Gena: We are having an Easter egg hunt at our church, which we never did growing up, so this will be nice! The members are donating eggs and I think this is fabulous because a) the parents don’t have to be in charge and b) the older folks without kids get to still have fun! I’m really looking forward to the boys searching for eggs in their cute Easter outfits!
Mariah: ‎Gena, have you found Easter outfits already? I struggled with that this year! I wanted something casual but W is in 2T/3T now and there weren’t any cute Easter shirts so I ended up getting a bright colored t-shirt and shorts set. He’ll look like a big bright Easter egg!Â
Gena: Well, Baby D will just use his brother’s Easter outfit from two years ago and I’m still deciding on the Captain’s outfit. I just bought some brightly colored plaid shorts, so depending on the weather, I might just have him wear those and a blue polo or something. It is hard to find something, and here in Texas, you never know if it will be cold or just unbearably hot at Easter! I like the look of the sweater vests and long sleeve shirts but really, how many Easters are that cold? 🙂
Gena: And I think it’s totally acceptable that he look like an Easter egg on Easter! 🙂
Mariah: There were so many cute plaid shorts but I need shorts that are cotton and stretchy for my guy. Otherwise the fit is tight on his legs and I feel bad even though he doesn’t seem to care! I will admit that this time of year I’m jealous of all the adorable girls dresses that are out there!
Emily: I give The Boy Easter themed pajamas to wear the night before and we do a basket on Easter morning. We’ll be able to attend several area egg hunts, so glad that they aren’t all on the same day this year! And, I plan to do a small egg hunt in our yard. Rather than dyeing eggs, we’ll hard boil them and then put stickers on them. I know this will be super fun because The Boy is obsessed with stickers right now-and the clean up will be easier too!
LaVonne: Last year we purchased Resurrection Eggs at our local Christian book store and went through the story with our daughter. She loved it. We took it out again two weeks ago, and she could not wait to go through all 12 eggs and participate in the real story of Easter. This is now part of our Easter tradition.
Thank You for the valuable input Mariah of Formula Mom, Emily of Nap Time is My Time, Ghada of Mama Goes BAM, Ashley of Maryland Momma’s Rambles and Reviews, Leila of The Go To Mommy, Gena of Captain Fussy Buckets, and LaVonne of Long Wait for Isabella.
Love this!! Growing up we always colored eggs on the Friday or Saturday before Easter. It became a huge production and something everyone looked forward to. We also made a big deal about getting dressed up for Easter services. For several years my mother made each of us girls a new Easter dress – that certainly helped us understand the importance of the day. – Katy
We alway hid our children’s easter baskets and they had to go on a big hunt to find them. We always went to church together on Easter. Now its harder that they are all in college. Just getting together for the day is a big accomplishment!
We had Easter egg hunts and lots of chocolate. I still love the chocolate part, but that’s all we do to celebrate.
Our tradition has always been to have an Easter egg hunt on the beach but we didn’t go this year because my dad passed away. So we are going to start a new tradition of an Easter egg hung in the mountains! Different but it will be good.
We always do the annual Easter egg hunt as well as big Easter dinner. We also celebrate Passover so we are an eclectic bunch!
What a great compilation of how everyone celebrates the holiday.
We always had so much at Easter! First was church, then the egg hunt and finally a bbq.
There’s no kiddos in our house yet, but I make a point to cook a wonderful Easter dinner each year for my other half and I. There’s nothing like that juicy orange glazed ham, and a quiet Sunday afternoon at home!