In our previous article we’ve discussed we started talking about all the great features Weehoo bicycle trailer has to offer. By far this is the best alternative to a traditional trailer and perfect for kids that are old enough to understand that sitting in a traditional trailer for hours is just boring, but yet are not old enough to join a longer ride with parents on their own. In this part we will talk about a few things that are definitely minor, but are worthy of mentioning.
Some of us use this technique when either accelerating fast or under heavy resistance, when we start counter-leaning bike left and right to maximize the pushing power. Well, we will not be doing it anymore. The only time I wanted to take off quick I gave a good right-left shake to the little rider behind me. He thought it was hilarious, but according to my wife it looked rather scary.
The trailer hookup is very sturdy and reliable however there was one little problem we encountered when it was time to mount it on my wife’s bike. The way it’s constructed, the bike side of the joint uses the seat pole as a pivoting rod and the seat clamp (the mechanism on the frame that secures the seat from moving) as a drop limiter. In our case the frame construction had that clamp pretty low so we had to use those extra inserts that come with the trailer to build it up a bit higher otherwise the trailer’s arm will be touching the rear wheel and will make it totally unusable. Not that big of a deal and once we figured it out, the rest was easy.
So, as usually after a bit of use you start seeing things past initial excitement and here is when the “I wish …” things come out – as of “I can leave without it, but it would be nice to have it”
I’d love to have some in-frame/on-frame storage for the flag. Something like a rubber tie will do actually so it can be strapped under the seat along the frame.
The debris-protecting shield does the job just fine. However I wish it was a bit longer and wider. Why? To prevent random garbage flying into your child’s face from under your rear tire.
I’d love to have a rain canapé of some kind. Not that we do it too often, but once in a while we get stuck in a downpour.
I’d love the seat adjustment on the trailer would be on quick release. It’s nice and tight the way it uses bolts and I do have a set of wrenches with me at all times but still.
This one is a bit more critical as it pertains to bike attachment. I would like the set to have a limiting bracket that could be mounted and secured to the seat post with a screw or two to regulate the height at which the attachment bracket is positioned. It would resolve all issues with bikes which have low frames.
At the end I just wanted to say that it looks like a solid and well thought through platform. My whole family loves riding this days since everyone gets to actively participate in the process, yet kiddos can be comfortable on the longer rides and probably can even take a nap if get extremly tired. Definite head turner … especially when we roll out both of our WeeHoo trailers.
What an interesting idea, I’ve never seen one of those. My goodness, it looks long when assembled!
I’ve never seen this before – it looks like a lot of fun! We have a bike trailer and we have rented Burleys before, but I think my kids would have a blast in this!
I am seriously so in love with your bike trailer! We need one of those for my kids! But I agree, some kind of rain protector would be great. We have crazy weather here that will be sunny one minute and downpour the next. We never know what we will get.
That looks like fun. I would love to be able to throw my littlest on a bike like that for the trail.
Oh wow, I’ve never seen this before. What a great idea!
I admire you for finding ways to persue your passion even with little kids. It’s nice to know the benefits and weaknesses of a product.
That looks so much fun! I have got to try that too!
I think these Weehoo Trailers look like a blast, and are a great way to get the younger ones excited about biking and being outside in general. I agree, it seems like a simple tie down for the flag might be an easy add on that would add some value to the overall experience. I know the flag is a safety thing, but some tikes are embarassed riding along with a flag attached!
I’m sure that it will be very attractive to many parents. I think your comments regarding the protector are very well informed – it’s using a product like you two are doing that leads to improvements!
I need this for my daughter!
That looks like such good family fun.
i love bike riding as a family such a great relaxing time!