Who inspires your parenting style? Do you follow the lead of celebrities, friends, or (gasp!) your own parents? I make the rules as I go. And I get sidetracked a lot. Whatever worked for my daughter, doesn’t work for my son.
Heather: Once I became a Mom I realized that my parenting style would be the “listen to your instincts” type. I love to learn from other Mom’s what works for them {and what doesn’t} but I’ve formed my own style for sure!
Valerie: I think working in preschool for 10+ years has helped me but I’m the type that gathers from all sources then I do what works best for me and my family.
Ghada: With my first I had a girlfriend who inspired me. She made parenting look fun and easy but at the same time was honest about the harder parts of being a parent. I made a conscious decision not to read too many parenting books. I think this is one instance where you really do have to trust your instincts as Heather says. If anything, too much info can be confusing. I had one book called the Baby Whisperer that had a few gems that helped me get my babies sleeping through the night. Other than that, it has been mostly about learning on the job! No one “style” defines me.
Darcy: My daughter inspires my parenting style. Everything I thought I knew before her arrival pretty much went out the window once she got here. I have to defend decisions to family more than I care to admit, but they aren’t the ones living here in my house 24/7!
Ghada: So true about one child needing something completely different than the other even though they are siblings. I just try to be as responsive and consistent as I can.
Emily: My parenting style is all my own, at least that is what I like to think. Through trial and error, I have learned what works best for our family. And, like Darcy, I have to explain many of the choices that I have made to extended family members. Having different parenting philosophies can make holidays and family reunions uncomfortable, but I believe in what I do and I stick with it.
I can’t and won’t at the celebrities for parent advice, but I do pick little things from friends. The biggest things my mother taught me is to love my sister. But what do you think?
Thank You for sharing, Heather of Full Price? Never!, Valerie of Valerie’s Reviews, Ghada of Mama goes BAM, Lena of Way2Goodlife, Emily of Nap Time is My Time, Darcy of Tales From the Nursery
Bre Dale says
Very interesting! I’m a mommy to be and that has me thinking!
Still Blonde after all these YEARS says
I definitely followed the lead of my parents. They raised confident, successful and happy children so why wouldn’t their techniques work for me. My upbringing in a Christian home is truly one of my richest blessing so WHY wouldn’t I pass that on to my kids? LOVE my mom and dad.
Celebrate Woman says
I definitely listen to my gut and to my child. I feel him what he wants and needs at that particular moment. Yes, I read a lot about parenting picking up a lot of good stuff.
Also, it’s such a wonderful picture when I see out there kids and parent(s) really in-tune with each other. It can be at the playground or even in the street or the store. These things are caught and noticed. Thank you for this beautiful post.
Kristin says
I guess I’d have to say that it was my parents (whether I learned from the good things or the things I hated in retrospect)…definitely not celebrities, though. LOL.
Aeryn Lynne says
When dealing with my nephew I always find myself thing, “What would my aunt do??”
meliss says
I always follow the lead of my parents! They raised me and did a great job, so I follow them!
Libby's Library says
I’m sure that my parents did, but more than anything.
Natalie Wahl says
I am a psychology major, so my parenting style is highly influenced by that. I have read countless books on growth, development and personality. It is true that each child requires a different style, because they are all born with their own temperment, personality, and what they call goodness of fit with their parents. I love the books Love and Logic Learning. It is my top pick for parenting books.